Marta + Mat – trailer – Nash Point Lighthouse – Wales – wedding photography and videography

| 19 May 2018 | Nash Point Lighthouse – Port Talbot – Wales |
Nash Point Lighthouse – Wales – wedding photography and videography
Last weekend my season began. What a first wedding! It was gorgeous. A beautiful, intimate ceremony in this gorgeous lighthouse.
I was so excited because unlike before this time I have taken some photos too with these two lovebirds:
Firstly here is the trailer:
Venue: Nash Point Lighthouse
Port Talbot
Wales – UK
19 May 2018
Nash Point Lighthouse – Wales – wedding photography and videography
Connection: Em & Liam – Wedding Videography Old Swan and Minster Mill
More infos about the venue:
The sands are a major hazard to shipping which had contributed to the loss of many vessels and lives. A passenger vessel, the Frolic, foundered on the sands in March 1831 and with the loss of around 78 lives and this gave extra impetus to have the station completed as soon as was possible. Because In fact the foundations for both towers were laid by 1 October 1831 and the station was completed and exhibited its lights on 1 September 1832, just 11 months later, with an incredible engineering achievement. The lighthouse has shone its light every night since, successfully assisting mariners in their safe passages with very few maritime andincidences occurring in the intervening time.