VERENA + ALI _ hochzeit teaser – Schloss Miller von Aichholz – hochzeit videograf

| 15 June 2024 | Schloss Gurhof– Austria |
hochzeit teaser – Schloss Miller von Aichholz – hochzeit videograf
Each season holds a surprise for me. I always prepare for a wedding with great excitement and imagine how beautiful it will be. Then everything will be even more beautiful and wonderful.
Verena and Ali love each other so much, they were just smiling and shining all day. This good mood also affected us, Bernhard and I just smiled all day as well!
This venue is so beautiful and everything was perfect!
Coming soon…
Venue: Schloss Miller von Aichholz
Photographer: Bernhard Luck photography
hochzeit teaser – Schloss Miller von Aichholz – hochzeit videograf